

Simple Search

Use the search bar at the top right-hand corner of every page to conduct a simple search for a vessel or type of drawing.

Type a keyword, such the name of a vessel, into the search box and hit enter or click the magnifying glass symbol. (If your first search doesn’t return any results, check your spelling or try a different word order.) The resulting list will have two types of records: Collections and Items.

A Collection is a group of drawings. Fraser Shipyards created these groupings when they were using drawings for a particular job. For example, the Collection entitled “Tube 116: Str. Edmund Fitzgerald, Boiler Automation Reference Drawings,” contains drawings of the Edmund Fitzgerald used for reference by Fraser Shipyards when they were working on updating the Fitzgerald’s boiler system. You can click on the title of a Collection to see additional information about that Collection, as well as a list of drawings in the Collection. Learn more about Collections on the Items and Collections Help Page.  

An Item is an individual engineering drawing. Each Item belongs to a Collection. Click on the title of the Item (the drawing title) to see detailed information about a drawing. Learn more about Items on the Items and Collections Help Page.

Advanced Search

Use the Advanced Search page for more detailed search options.

Advanced Keyword Search: Enter keywords in the “Search by Keyword” box at the top of the Advanced Search page. This keyword box searches for Items (drawings) only, not Collections. If your first search doesn’t return any results, check your spelling or try a different word order.

Narrow by Specific Fields: You can also search for keywords in specific fields only. For example, if you want to search for words within the title of a drawing only, you can use this tool. Some useful fields to search are as follows:

Search by Collection: Use this option to see the drawings in a particular Collection.